Saturday, November 15, 2008

Topical Blog Post: "Check, Please!"

I smile and wave goodbye, walk over to the table and open up the check. What? How can this be? Do they not know how this works, or did I take too long with their drinks? This is the conversation I have almost every weekend at work. You guessed it, I’m a server. Almost every server I’ve met has had the same thing happen. They give great service and open up the check to see no tip. I did some research of my own, asking friends and family how they usually tip. Some guess. Others double the tax. Then there are those who hate tipping, like my roommate. For some reason, she thinks tips are unnecessary. Most servers I know tip well because they know what it’s like being on the other side of the table. The fifteen percent tip that you think is over the top is standard. Twenty is the new fifteen. It may sound a bit greedy servers have their own understanding of tipping. In fact, the restaurant industry has its own understanding. You pay for the food and tip for the service. If you are going to be a picky patron, it’s only fair you tip properly. The same goes for bad service. If you get the server who shoots you a dirty look because you asked for ketchup with your fries, you can bet her tip will not be so generous. It’s not easy waiting on people hand and foot, especially when those people are screaming kids knocking over water. So the next time you go out and have a great dinner with exceptional service, think twice before you scribble down any number. What do we really deserve?

1 comment:

camccune said...

I worked as a waitress just long enough to have a healthy appreciation of how hard it is...and I try to tip accordingly.

Good personal column. 15/15