Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Got What it Takes to be a Reporter?

I scored 28 points! I've always been passionate about writing. I always felt like an artist growing up. I loved drawing and writing my own poetry. It was a way of expressing myself with freedom and creativity. As I read every question on this test, I could tell what my outcome would be. I know I have what it takes to be a reporter. After years of soul-searching and trying to find a career that I would love forever, I found my answer in what I've always loved to do. The only thing I was scared of was not having the freedom to write the way I wanted to. However, after taking this class and having to write about different topics in different styles, I'm confidant I can do this. When you are driven by something you love, anything is possible. I've always been an optimist and dreamer. When something great is given to you, I believe in sharing it with the rest of the world. When I read great writing, it moves me. It stays with me. As I grow older each year, I become more involved in what is going on in the world. I feel more aware and one step closer to helping give back. If I can do that through writing and becoming a reporter, I will have accomplished one of my greatest goals.

1 comment:

camccune said...

Wow, that's very good...and very encouraging! It sounds like you are on the right track.