Saturday, September 27, 2008

Copy & Edit the World

I had some trouble finding errors for our first assignment. I' am not sure if this counts, but I found an article that talks about a misspelled sign in San Mateo, on the 101 freeway. I thought it was pretty interesting. Hillsdale is misspelled. The sign displays it as "Hillsidale", with an extra "i".''

1 comment:

camccune said...

Actually, I want you to find errors yourself, not direct me to ones that others have found.

Here's my advice: look at posters, menus, fliers, class greensheets. Many of them are littered with errors. Photograph them and put them on your blog, or drop them off at my office -- with the errors marked and corrected, of course.

If you're on campus, stop by my office and we'll walk around DBH in search of typos and AP Style errors. I guarantee you we'll find some within minutes.