Saturday, October 11, 2008

Mccain and Obama Make Nice

Put the boxing gloves away. Presidential candidates McCain and Obama are actually showing the American people how to be good sports in a grueling game of politics. Yes, it is actually possible.

In a Yahoo News article this weekend(, Barack Obama and John McCain defended one another to fellow supporters. When one McCain supporter called Obama an Arab, McCain respectively replied, "No, ma'am. He's a decent family man and citizen that I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues and that's what this campaign's all about." Obama made sure to tell his crowd of supporters in Philadelphia that he was appreciative of McCain's notion of being able to disagree without disrespecting one another. Obama who is finding confidence among his Philadelphian supporters and currently leading the polls, was not phased by the TV ads the McCain campaign has aired. Although the ads are spurring some McCain supporters to view him as a terrorist, Obama confidently responded, "I can take it for four more weeks." He carried on optimistically with his weekend of rallying.

I feel that this story comes at the right time. As we near Election Day, our emotions are all over the place. As a country, we are facing an economic crisis, a need for better health care, and a devastating war. What we need is to come together as a country and focus on the matters that are affecting us most. Our next president will need to lead with dignity and by both candidates straying away from personal attacks on one another, we are moving in the right direction.

Prominence-Our presidential candidates
Impact-American population
Recency-Weekend coverage


camccune said...

Good job! 10/10

camccune said...

You're doing well on the assignments you've completed, but you've missed several and that's hurting your grade in this class. You may want to talk to me about that.