Saturday, September 6, 2008

Top News 1

Who is Sarah Palin, anyway? This topic, thanks to media coverage and John McCain’s choice for a running mate, receives my vote for the top news story of the week. Before she became McCain’s running mate, Sarah Palin was simply the governor of a small town in Alaska. Today, her personal life and political position is under the microscope of the public. In fact, the minute she was chosen as McCain’s running mate, media reports surfaced about her unwed pregnant daughter, and lack of experience as a candidate.

After watching coverage of the National Republican Convention on MSNBC, I began to understand why Obama supporters fear her. She stepped onto the stage with poise and confidence. Welcomed by never ending cheers and signs labeled, “Palin Power” and “I Love Hockey Moms”, it was clear that Palin had already won over the massive crowd surrounding her. Then came her speech. She introduced her family, ridiculed Barack Obama, and praised McCain. This woman went from the target of tabloids to a political heroine overnight. Since her speech, she has been spotted on magazine covers and all over the headlines. In fact, an article on reported that “more than 40 million Americans tuned in Wednesday to see for themselves what they thought of
her” (

This presidential election is not only historical, but crucial to Americans who are dealing with an endless war, devastating economy, and the need for a change. Palin’s story is captivating whether you love or hate her. She did not crumble under the media’s scrutiny of her personal life. Many people lose their careers and reputations over what is reported about them. Fortunately for Sarah Palin, she used the negative press to her advantage. Forty million viewers is exactly what a campaign could use.

News Values:
Impact (The election itself-important to citizens)
Proximity (Nationally affects Americans)
Prominence (Known politicians)
Timeliness (Current news)